Friday, November 6, 2009

day sixty-nine.

Day Sixty-nine 11/5/2009
Dress: Pink Floral or Swampy Print
Purchased From: I can't remember for sure, a thrift store of sorts. 
Year or Era Purchased: 
Price: $5?
Accessories: Pink tights, homemade cream legwarmers (sweater sleeves). blue rose ring, black on black chucks
Hair and Makeup: Parted in the middle and pulled back, some bangs, usual makeup plus teal eyeshadow in the crease
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: none

We slept through the alarm today and that was no good because Michael had an eye doctor appointment. D'oh.  Today was super boring so I have nothing really to report on. I worked, went to the gym, made vegetarian beef stew using seitan and served it with buttered egg noodles, we watched a bunch of television and I drank some red wine. Now it is time for shower and sleepytime.  I feel like I'm getting sick. I hope not.  

Today's dress is one of my favorites because I love the print. It's not the most or even the least flattering but it's comfortable. I spruced it up with a pair of legwarmers that I made from chopping the sleeves off of a baggy sweater. You can pretty much make legwarmers out of anything this way.  I particularly like them because they're a little bigger and cover a bit of the shoes. Yup. 

SSS, sorry so short.  God,  I used to actually write that on notes to people in school.  Dork!


HeadlessMonster said...

69! Excellent!

Waitaminute here...Mikey said "oooh cherries" yesterday...and there aren't even any cherries on this dress!

However and nonetheless, I like this nuclear family housewife dress - I'm a fan of the 50's steez. And I am a fan of leg warmers too. Heck, if I was a chick, I'd be one snappy dresser - or the worst.

Abigail said...

Corrected, sorry I was very tired and I should really proofread these way better.

I am sure you'd be a fabulous girl

Anonymous said...

SSS. Ha! I need to figure out how to take this blog with me to second period English, write my note in it, and return it to you in the hall on the way to third period Math.

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