Wednesday, January 6, 2010

day one hundred thirty-one.

Me and my kitty Easter.  I made her eyes funny with the red eye corrector.

Day One Hundred Thirty-one 1/6/2010
Dress: Pastel Floral House Dress 
Purchased From:  Port Richmond Super Thrift 
Year or Era Purchased:  Winter 2009
Price: $2.05
Accessories: Green Knit Handkerchief by old fashioned goodness, brown tights, cream leg warmers, black boots, pink knit hat, black cardigan
Hair and Makeup:  still dirty with two mini braids into big braids, usual makeup 
Comments/Compliments/Complaints:  none 

I think I might give this "dress" to my Mom-Mom once it's washed.  I like the pockets and the comfort but had this not been $2 I never would have purchased it.  I tried it on with jeans but it made me feel kind of terrible so I opted for layers on my legs.  I was warm today so it was much, much better.   It was pretty boring- work, gym, home, dinner and we watched the movie Let the Right One In.  It was good.  Creepy little Swedish vampire and non-vampire children are pretty rad.  I think I'm going to a gun range tomorrow to shoot guns with my brother so hopefully I'll have something way more entertaining to write about it.  Until then.  


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