Day One Hundred Seventy-two 2/16/10
Dress: Floral Night Shirt Dress
Purchased From: Conway
Year or Era Purchased: Winter 2010
Price: $3.99
Accessories: Amazing Drawstring Neck Cowl by Rachel Turanski of Off The Chain Designs, hunters, jeans, blue cardigan
Hair and Makeup: rag curled and pinned up into buns, usual makeup, no eyeliner
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: none
The construction has started. Weeeee! See that picture there, that used to be the home of a closet but it got demolished today. We have to pick our bathtub and tile and fixtures so they can be ordered post haste. I'm super excited! After four years we'll have a master bedroom and bathroom! I spent the day working, lots. Trying to park is very challenging and I was a bit a stressed today so I absentmindedly locked my keys in a client's house while I had their dog outside. D'oh. Luckily a neighbor had a spare and the crisis was averted. It was so late when I got done working that I just headed to Target to return a dress (and buy a new one) and get some fixings for dinner. I made veggie cheesesteaks with baked cheetos on the side. So trashy and so good. The night was officially ruined when our dvr decided that our two requests to cancel the Star Trek recording in favor of Lost went ignored and we missed the first 17 minutes of Lost. Thanks Comcast. It'd be swell if your dvr wasn't so infuriating, and craptastic. Ugh. I'm going to go obsess over tile and fixtures for our new bathroom. We're leaning towards this beauty for our tub:
Once it's done I'll be all "aveeno take me away" because I'm allergic to Calgon.
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