Day One Hundred Ninety-seven 3/13/10
Dress: Multi Colored Striped/Polka Dot Night Shirt Dress
Purchased From: ConwayDress: Multi Colored Striped/Polka Dot Night Shirt Dress
Year or Era Purchased: Winter 2010
Price: $3.99
Accessories: black tights, black cardigan, hunter wellies, silvery flower headband
Hair and Makeup: I changed my hair like seven times because it was getting on my nerves- braids, up, pigtails, down, etc. lots of blush and teal eyeshadow only in the outer corners of my eyes
Yesterday was weird. It started off really well as we went to buy tile and succeeded, finally. We didn't even have to order it as it was in stock. Awesome. It was pouring ass rain all day so Michael decided to hold off on renting the floor sander and attempt to belt/hand sand the floors. After tearing the house apart Michael realized our belt sander was on loan so we walked over to our friend Becky's to retrieve it, still in the pouring rain. I was proud of myself for venturing out into the harsh elements so many times. I have two dogs boarding here so I walked them several times too. Go me. We came home and Michael worked on our future master bedroom while I cleaned and made a baked potato broccoli soup. It was quite yummy. I really loved this nightshirt/dress. The colors made me super happy despite the horrid weather. It felt like I was wearing the happy feeling of a county fair.
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