Day Two Hundred Twenty-eight 4/13/10
Dress: Grey Thick Weird Dress
Purchased From: Circle ThriftDress: Grey Thick Weird Dress
Year or Era Purchased: Spring 2010
Price: $5
Accessories: Black tights, green hunter wellies
Hair and Makeup: Double buns with a headband fashioned from the dress, usual makeup
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: none
So I liked this dress a lot better in the dressing room. I got it home and realized the belt and belt loop flat in the front were in weird spots and made the dress bulkier and weirder than needed. I decided to cut them off and make one into a headband. The dress is not flattering and it's thick and weird. It was cold and rainy so this dress worked and I wore it with a cardigan and raincoat to stay warm. Oh well. I spent the day working in the rain, made a quick trip to the grocery store and came home and made some soup. I attempted to make the soup a health version of my gross cream of tons of vegetable soups and I think it worked. Michael and I did some work on the third floor while the soup simmered. I painted two walls while he did some other stuff to some other walls, something with joint compound and smoothing maybe, I don't know. Boring, rainy day.
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