Saturday, June 5, 2010

day two hundred seventy-eight.

this pool is filled with mulberry excrement and not water, frowny face. 

Day Two Hundred Seventy-eight Thursday 6/3/10 
Dress: Grey Strapless Sweat Dress
Purchased From:  Thrift Fair
Year or Era Purchased: Spring 2010
Price: $5.95

Accessories: Black and grey striped socks, black sneakers, squirrel bottle cap ring
Hair and Makeup: Side bun and bangs, usual makeup
Comments/Compliments/Complaints:  One of my clients said I was dressed perfectly for the weather, that I always look so cute and I should open a store- it was a lot of words in a little bit of time.  A girl in my class liked my ring and one of my tattoos, someone whistled at me while I was walking dogs. 

Sweatpants, but not really, instead it's a dress.  This early June heat wave can suck it.  I am so not prepared!!! Luckily I recently purchased this dress for occasions such as 93 degree weather.  I'm still not all about.  We turned the air conditioner on today, Saturday that is.  We tried really, really hard to wait it out but there doesn't seem to be an end in sight and I'm so sick of constant sweat.  So I wore this dress since I had to work in the stupid heat all day long and then go straight to class.  The day got away from me like they often do.  Somehow I lost one of my school books so I found myself repurchasing it  and reading my homework at Barnes and Noble an hour before class.  Yeesh.  I saved the receipt and intend to return it and purchase something awesome.  

Class was crushing in that I found out I was supposed to hand in my second draft of the piece I've been working on since we have conferences on Monday.  I did know we had conferences based on the syllabus simply saying "conferences" for the date of 6/7 but I had no clue this meant we weren't meeting as a class and I had to turn my story in early.  Ugh.  Luckily I got a reprieve and am able to take the first conference slot on Monday so that I may deliver my piece.  I hate, hate, hate being in situations like that.  It made me feel like quite the dummy.  It also made me feel terrible about myself for not even starting the review process on the piece.   I'm currently blog updating in procrastination.  Some things never change.  The rest of class was good and we discussed endings, something I like to think I'm generally okay at.  Beginnings and endings I got, it's the middle that's the hard part- filling it al in always gets me.  After class I came home and made sandwiches for dinner and Michael and sweated it out on the couch like pints of ice water in the sun. 


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