Tuesday, July 27, 2010

day three hundred twenty-six.

Day Three Hundred Twenty-six  Wednesday  7/21/10
Dress:  Blackish Greyish Charcoal Sheath Dress with embroidered flowers
Purchased From:  MOLLY DELANEY
Year or Era Purchased: Spring 2010
Price: $FREE

Accessories:  blue hair barrette, black flats
Hair and Makeup:  Pulled back into a bun and also down, depending on the heat and my mood, usual makeup with lots of fun blue eyeshadow
Comments/Compliments/Complaints:  A few dress compliments- Michael and my mom.  I think someone yelled something at me from a car. 

Wednesday was again horribly hot.  I knew I had to wear next to nothing to get through the day walking dogs for hours on end.  Unfortunately my dress collection is dwindling and my summer dress selections are becoming nil.  Luckily I still had this dress, another Molly dress. At first glance it looks so plain and uninviting but when I put it on I instantly felt good.  There's a good example of the "always try it on" rule that I like to preach.  Sure, I had to suck my tummy in all day but it was worth it.   I got through the hot work day and stopped at Whole Foods to pick up some dinner treats.  I then picked up Michael and his bicycle and we drove to the burbs for dinner with my parents.  My mom made a super yummy dinner of mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, a special mushroom wine gravy for us, amazing vinegar cucumbers, sauteed mushrooms and tomatoes fresh from the garden.  I brought riblets for Michael and I, a baguette and some brownies for dessert.  We had a really nice dinner and then hung out for a while.  I tortured their two youngest cats with love and then we headed home, with tons of stuff from Mom as usual and corn and watermelon from Dad.  We can never go home with an empty car when visiting my parents, that's just how it is. 


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