Sunday, August 15, 2010

day three hundred hundred fifty.

Day Three Hundred Fifty Saturday 8/14/10
Dress:  Pink Cat Rose T-shirt Dres
Purchased From:  Atlantic City Boardwalk T-shirt Shop
Year or Era Purchased: Summer 2010
Price: $7.99
Accessories:  Black flats
Hair and Makeup: Usual makeup with some blue eyeshadow, down and curled a bit
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: Michael, Jody and Mike commented on my dress- mostly with stuff like "oh my god" 

So yeah.  I wore this dress because Jody and I had big plans to go see Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore.  Yes, we are both thirty-two years old and enjoy talking animal movies.  Shut it.  I bought this dress in Atlantic City a few weeks ago.  I guess it's really a super duper oversized t-shirt but this morning I got my sewing machine out and altered it a bit to make it more "cute dress" friendly.  I just flipped it inside out, pinned it and then sewed along both sides to take it in.  I don't really suggest doing this as it didn't work super well and made some weird side/hip pleats.  I tucked the bottom up into the top a bit and threw two safety pins into it for maximum tuckage.  That probably doesn't make any sense.  Whatever, I was wearing a fucking Atlantic City cat/rose t-shirt dress so why would you expect me to make any sense?  Exactly.   Jody came over and we made rum cocktails for the movie.  We were going to make gin cocktails of the Pink Pussycat (pineapple juice, cherry brandy and gin) and Salty Dogs (with gin, salt and grapefruit juice to be festive), but instead we made up our own drink, The Kitty Galore.

The Kitty Galore: 
Mix equal parts Key Lime Rum and Coconut Rum 
Top with Fresh Squeezed Orange juice (or from concentrate if you're poor), pineapple juice and grapefruit juice.  
Shake and pour or put it in travel containers and take it to the movie theater if you want to be super awesome. 

We got to the theater and Jody decided to make our drinks into a drinking game- drink every time they say kitty galore in the movie, which is kind of a lot.  I didn't make the drinks super strong so we were fine, happy and full of vitamin c.  The movie was actually pretty funny.  We laughed a lot, and way more than the four children in the theater. Sorry to their parents.  After the movie Jody went with me to a cat job, which wasn't nearly as exciting since the cat doesn't talk.  We headed to Kraftwork for lunch and beers with our boys.  It was nice and I had a cherry beer by Founder's.  I came home and totally took a really long nap because day drinking is not so much for me I guess.  I woke up late and with a headache.  I ate a sandwich, watched Jennifer's Body, which fucking ruled, and now I guess I'll attempt some homework.  I kind of want to take a bath. Decisions, decisions.  

Oh, and here's Ipacac getting down with his kitty blunt.  He's not into revenge, just lovin. 


melissa rose said...

This is kind of amazing.

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