Purchased From: Super Thrift
Year or Era Purchased: Summer 2010
Price: $3.95
Price: $3.95
Accessories: Brown knee highs, black on black chucks, turquoise bird barrette
Hair and Makeup: Two mini buns and the rest down and curled a bit, usual makeup with a "gorgeous gold" MAC eyeshadow
Hair and Makeup: Two mini buns and the rest down and curled a bit, usual makeup with a "gorgeous gold" MAC eyeshadow
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: Michael liked my dress, a friend of mine from class liked my shoes
I love this dress. I'm a sucker for daisies and it's super easy and comfortable. It was again hot as nards today, well four degrees cooler than yesterday's nards, but still hot. Days like these I wish I didn't have so much hair. Even pulling it back is gross and sweaty. Woe is me. I'm not cutting it or anything, I'm still super into the length and versatility. I just like to complain. I found my chucks when I was cleaning the other day so I'm currently crushing on them combined with knee socks. Speaking of footwear I've been noticing that combat boots are in style for this coming season. This means I'm officially old because styles that were popular when I was a teenager are once again in style. Blargh. I guess that makes me happy and I'll be able to replenish my boot supply to wear for the next several years, after fashion has moved on. I'll always be a sucker for boots. I guess I'm hanging out with a tangent right now. Sorry.
On to the day then. It's my friend Sue's birthday and because of school and work I was unable to see her. Boo. We managed an hour long conversation and will have dinner tomorrow night but still. I had to start my day early, doing homework. I had to complete a dialogue piece that was assigned yesterday. Again, my professor is all about assigning stuff on a Monday when the syllabus says everything will be due on a Monday, with a weekend to work on it. Ugh. I feel like I'm regressing severely in this class from last class. I love my professor as a person but I'm having a lot of trouble advancing as a writer. We have conferences on Thursday so I'll have to discuss it with her, among other things.
After finishing, late, I started work and worked all day. I ate a peach only since I was running so late and thought I'd pass out if I didn't get food before class so I stopped at Essene for some hot bar food. They're really disappointing me as of late. The food is bleh and the prices are redunkulous. Five dollars for four mushrooms, four small pieces of seitan, a quarter cup of rice and one piece of broccoli. I'm over it. I got to class early and ate in the classroom while I did my reading. Class was okay. I got annoyed but I won't go into it. After class I came home and made pierogies, veggie kielbasa, beans and sliced tomato for dinner. It was yum.
Again I have to end this with sad doggie news. I found out today that one of my clients, Henry the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, passed away suddenly of a heart attack. I've been walking him for something like four or five years now and am heartbroken to hear this. He recently started coughing, a symptom of heart disease. Penn misdiagnosed him with allergies or a lung issue. This saddens me so much because his owner was proactive and extremely mindful of her animals, giving them the best possible care. You will be missed greatly HenHen.
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