Day Forty-Two 10/9/2009
Dress: White with Black and Red Pattern, Strapless and Pocketed Dress
Purchased From: Ross
Year or Era Purchased: Summer 2009
Price: $22.99
Accessories: Black Boots by Dollhouse
Hair and Makeup: High bun, lots of bangs, black eye makeup, red lipstick
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: Last night when I was trying to figure out which dress to wear today Michael said he liked this one, it was good for both a boat and Italy. He was right.
Today's dress was purchased solely for the reason that it has pockets. I liked it otherwise too but it puckers a bit in the belly area and can add some unneeded excess lumpage at times. When I realized in the dressing room that it had pockets I forgot all about the lumpy possibilities and put it into the to purchase category. I am such a sucker for a dress with pockets. I also like the bust line of this dress as full on straight across strapless can sometimes be icky on my chest. I knew we were going on a boat today and since yesterdays dress was supposed to be my boat dress but turned out not to be since the boat wasn't running I needed to figure out another solution fast. I also needed the dress to double as my lunch in Italy dress and after trying on a few last night Michael and I settled on this one. I so wish my favorite black flats did not break right before we left because I would've brought them and worn them with this ensemble but they did and so I wore my new black boots. I wore this dress one other time too, to the wedding of my brother so I'll always remember it as it that first and foremost. It is sad how my memory works like that. I can remember what I wore the first day of school for 6th, 8th and 9th grade for some reason as well as many other occasions. It's a sickness I suppose. My hair is sort of dirty so I put it in a high bun and added lots of bangs. I also put on a good bit of black eye makeup and a smattering of red lipstick so I'd feel sort of fancy.
Today was our last morning in the apartment so we actually had to set our alarm (gasp!) for 8AM. Ouch. We've been rolling out of bed around 11ish so it hurt a little, especially since I stayed up to basically finish Living Dead in Dallas, the second Sookie Stackhouse book. Oh how I wish I had borrowed more from Sue! Now I'm onto a serious non-trashy, non-vampire book, Into the Wild. I still have only seen bits and pieces of the movie and it was on sale at Target so... Anyway so Michael and I woke up early and he walked down into the city part of Nice to pick up our rental car while I got ready and made us breakfast (cheesy home fried potatoes, yogurt with raspberry jam, wit bier mimosas and chocolate croissants). We said goodbye to our awesome view, packed up the car and then took our last walk down the hill to Le Port where we returned our apartment keys and boarded a super touristy boat for a one hour boat ride around the Cote D'Azur. It was really nice, did not involve duck quacking (I'm talking about you Ride the Ducks! I hate you) and we both like boats so we thoroughly enjoyed it. After our one hour tour we walked back up our hill one last time and retrieved our car, took a quick trip to the grocery store to stock up on wine an water and I snagged a french copy of an Alice in Wonderland kids book.
We were then on our way to Italy for lunch. That sounds so awesome, but really Italy is only like 45 minutes away, or a little over an hour with coastal roads. We made a list of all the dorky things we wanted to do on our vacation and have pasta in Italy was on the list. We went to Ventimiglia, Italy and had Spaghetti Pomodora and Ricotta/Spinach Canelloni with Alfredo. The pasta wasn't fresh and the restaurant was super cheesy but it was fun and we ate outside and it was Italy. We walked around a little afterwards to see if I could find cheeseball Italy souvenirs for Sue, Spano and Jared but to no avail. Sorry my Italian friends. We then got gelato (I had another one yesterday, hazelnut while Michael had lemon) and I am addicted to hazelnut gelato. It tastes like the nougat part of a snickers bar! So I got another one today and Michael got a mint flavor. We sat in Italy and ate gelato and then drove back to France and Michael had a blast driving on the coastal swerve heavy roads. My stomach flip flopped since I was trying to film some of it. We then stumbled upon our hotel on a different road than we expected and checked in. It's awesome and amazing and fancy called Les Terrasses d'Eze. It's friggin' sweet and Michael was thrilled to see it has a bidet. We'll be here until Sunday and then it's crappy airport hotel and back to reality. I did see three stray cats today so that made me a little homesick for my furry friends. It's not over yet but it's been swell.
Great pictures, love the dress.
Mom mom is a big fan of pockets.
so am I. Makes life easier.Can't wait to see the french version of Alice.
i can't wait to see the videos of your travels when you get back...it'll be like a modern day slide show.
Me too :) we will edit it all cute like. I can't wait to give you your present. We saw it and had to get it for you! I hope it travels well!
Very French of a dress. I can see Vanessa Paradis wearing that. I <3 Venessa Paradis.
I love that you included the dress your wore to our wedding.
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