Day One Hundred Fifteen 12/21/2009
Dress: Black and Red Polka Dot Dress
Purchased From: ? Can't remember
Year or Era Purchased: 2002-4ish?
Price: I bet it was under $20 but I'm not sure
Accessories: black tights, black sparkly leg warmers, black snow boots, black neck warmer, black long sleeve undershit, black and white arm warmers
Hair and Makeup: rag curled and knotty as hell so pulled back, usual makeup, extra dark eyes
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: Michael
I threw this outfit together in about five minutes and I loved it. This dress is usually not in my rotation because it makes me feel gross and fat but today it worked for me. Every dress has its day I suppose. I accessorized with a tremendous amount of cold weather gear but either my cold weather blood is back or it wasn't that cold outside and even while taking today's pictures I was pretty much fine.
I embraced the snow and even played with a border collie mix named Mayor at the park.
I happened to have my camera out when a hawk flew overhead. It was magical and badass. I got a semi-okay picture of him. I'll just pretend he wasn't hunting squirrels.
Nothing worth talking about happened today, boring average Monday. I worked, ran some errands including dropping a dress in need of a new zipper at the dry cleaners, grocery shopped and came home and made dinner. I made kale with toasted walnuts, pinwheels (crescent rolls with cream cheese, sharp cheese and diced green pepper), veggie bbq chicken cutlets and baked potatoes. Yum. Michael was gracious tonight and let me watch the last half of Beverly Hills Chihuahua as I have an unhealthy obsession with talking animal movies. He fell asleep on the couch while I watched copious amounts of Criminal Minds and addressed Christmas cards. So interesting. Yep.
That's officially your "i'm from the future" dress.
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