Saturday, January 23, 2010

day one hundred forty-seven.

Day One Hundred Forty-seven 1/22/2010 
Dress: Pink Lacey Dress
Purchased From:  Delia's
Year or Era Purchased:  2000ish?  
Price: $29-39?
Accessories: Pink hat, pink underslip with ruffles, pink tights, black boots, grey cardigan, white/pink polka dots neckerchief
Hair and Makeup: Usual makeup, double buns with a hat
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: A client told me the dress was a little too young for me (I think she's right), Michael liked the boobage


Yesterday began with a frantic coffee slug and wardrobe selection.  I had an appointment with the accountant to finally do my 2007/2008 taxes.   This is an example of me failing at adulthood.  My 2006 taxes left me with a bad taste in my mouth and $1100 lesser, putting fear into me every April for the next few years. I am pretty bad with money, I must say.  I spend it when I have it and don't save it.  I don't have a savings account or a 401k with more than $700 in it.  I have debt and I have too much junk and can always convince myself I need something else.  I'm going to try to stop that this year and include it in my 2010 getting shit done quest.   We've been attempting to purge the house of unnecessary items and become more organized.   The accountant visit went so much better than expected and left me with a serious spring in my step for the rest of the day. I worked and then met up with Michael for dinner and a drink at the Abbaye.  It was lovely. Later in the night we met up with friends at our neighborhood bar and I got a little drunky, which is why I didn't update last night. Oops. My apologies.   

The dress is a silly pink with lace overlay dress from Delia's that I am sure I loved because it's fairyesque.  It will be going into the donate pile.  It's too small and it just doesn't do anything for me.  I added the underslip for some flare and I thought it improved it but not enough.  Plus my boobs and bottom are waaay too big for this juniors dress.  


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