Hair and Makeup: Big puff with a feather hair clip (from Art Star), teased bangs, the rest curled, tons of black eye makeup and usual makeup
Monday, August 30, 2010
day three hundred hundred sixty-three.
Dress: Green and Blue Floral Vintage Fancypants Dress
Purchased From: Circle Thrift Clothing Swap
Year or Era Purchased: Spring 2010
Price: $FREE!
Accessories: Feather hair clip, green flats, blue rose ring
Hair and Makeup: Big puff with a feather hair clip (from Art Star), teased bangs, the rest curled, tons of black eye makeup and usual makeup
Hair and Makeup: Big puff with a feather hair clip (from Art Star), teased bangs, the rest curled, tons of black eye makeup and usual makeup
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: Michael liked the outfit, Jody liked the hair clip, one of my clients asked where I was going and said I looked adorable. I told her nowhere in particular, I just felt like being fancy.
Sometimes a girls just got to get fancified for no good reason, because it's Friday, because this dress begs to be combined with this feather hair clip, because it's the third to the last blog in the year of dresses, because I got an A in my second summer class, because, because, because. It felt silly to walk around all day like this and walk dogs. I got a lot of weird looks but I'm used to that so I just laughed. I spent my day working and then came home and freshened up before heading to Kraftwork for dinner and drinks with friends Spano, Jody, Sean and Marie. Stupidly I hadn't eaten anything all day because it took way longer to get fancy than I'd expected and because the box of nutri grain cereal bars in the cabinet was an empty box. D'oh. So yeah, I got a little drunky on Friday. I had a flight of okay beers (the Victory Baltic Porter was the yummiest, the rest were blah) and then a wicked yummy goblet of Russian River Consecration Wild Ale. That one, in retrospect, is probably the one that knocked me on my ass since it's a ten percenter. I also enjoyed a goat cheese and summer veg flatbread pizza. Delicious!
After Kraftwork we headed home to pick up Steve and then went to Kung Fu Necktie for a show. Our friend's band, Live Not on Evil, was playing. There I switched to Powers and ginger ale and continued on my drunken merry way. The show was really good, but really short and so after we headed to the M Room for a few drinks for a night cap. I think it was something like 10:30 at this point. Steve and I decided to get specials (a pbr and shot of whiskey) and then we did more shots of Powers. This is where the night gets hazy. I apparently punched my friend Chad in the back of his neck, breaking my awesome rose ring and somehow I got a ton of bruises and a huge gash on my leg. I also remember hanging out with a cat on Girard Ave, he was super sweet and let me hold him. Once home I apparently made sandwiches, burned myself on the toaster oven, took my sandwich to bed but passed out before I could eat it and then woke up startled and put my hand in my sandwich. Good times. I guess maybe getting fancy wasn't the best idea after all!
Posted by
12:16 PM
Labels: art star, blue, circle thrift, green, swap meet, vintage
Sunday, August 29, 2010
day three hundred hundred sixty-two.
Day Three Hundred Sixty-two Thursday 8/26/10
Dress: Pink Lace Vintage Grandma Dress
Purchased From: Country Gift and Thrift Shoppe
Year or Era Purchased: Summer 2010
Price: $4
Accessories: Black flats
Hair and Makeup: Down and curled a bit with pinned back bangs
Hair and Makeup: Down and curled a bit with pinned back bangs
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: Michael liked the dress
This dress is from one of my favorite thrift stores ever. I used to shop there in high school and they even sell "plain clothes" so you know I went through a phase of wearing Amish girl dresses and combat boots. They have the cutest stuff here, both clothing and household goods and man oh man, they are wicked cheap compared to Philly thrift prices. They're wicked cheap compared to any thrift prices really. I don't really want to share this secret place but I guess I shouldn't be greedy. It's here, so happy thrifting if you wander there! The dress itself is lovely, though got a little itchy as the day went on since it's lace. Thursday was a pretty good day. I spent the day working and then headed to school to pick up my portfolio. My professor told me I had the most organized portfolio of the whole class, that I got an A and that she looked forward to hearing me read my work someday. That was pretty cool. I headed over Chic Petique to buy cat litter and food for the little foster lady and then to Yappy Hour, in Liberties walk. I saw a cute wiener dog and drank a little sangria and hung out for a bit with my friends Chad and Lindsay. I then headed to the liquor store and bought a bottle of red wine, Arrogant Frog Pinot Noir- maybe the best wine name ever. I then drove into center city to pick up mr. flat bike tire husband man from work. We came home and I made us veggie meatloaf with tater tots and homemade cheese sauce and tri-color beans sauteed with almonds and sesame seeds. We ate and drank red wine and watched The Informant. I'd say Thursday was a pretty amazing day.
Friday, August 27, 2010
day three hundred hundred sixty-one.
Dress: Green Cotton Pinup inspired Dress
Purchased From: Circle Thrift
Year or Era Purchased: Summer 2010
Price: $5
Accessories: Brown knee socks, bird/swirl pattern boots, leopard print cardigan
Hair and Makeup: Two buns and bangs twisted and pulled back, usual makeup with green eyeshadow, yellow and clear sunglasses
Hair and Makeup: Two buns and bangs twisted and pulled back, usual makeup with green eyeshadow, yellow and clear sunglasses
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: Some dude asked (from a moving van) if I needed any help "walking those dogs" when I was walking two large dogs.
This dress is actually longer than knee length, but I wanted to wear boots since the weather was so delicious so I pinned it up on both sides to change the length and shape of it a bit. I dig the boob area of this dress quite a bit, it's flattering for the larger chested ladies. Man alive it was awesome to wear knee highs, boots and a cardigan. I wish it could always be seventy-something degrees.
Wednesday was a pretty good day. I spent the morning dorking out on the computer, got ready and headed out to work. After work I hung out with Sue and Lemon and we took a trip to Whole Foods. My friend Kristin had mentioned she'd eaten an avocado, bacon and tomato sandwich the night before so I was craving one something fierce, veggie though, of course. Sue and I had a nice shopping time and Lemon dug the sites and sounds of a bustling Whole Foods, cute. I came home and made avocado, veggie turkey and bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches on 12 seed sourdough. DELICIOUS! Michael and I watched Louie and then I watched Whip It. Cute, but it was more of a coming of age story with some derby peppered in.
Oh and this little lady (NOT the fat one, he's mine) needs a home so if you're interested leave me a comment! I'll make a serious flyer for her very soon. She's wicked sweet!
Posted by
12:13 PM
Labels: altered, circle thrift, green, thrift
Thursday, August 26, 2010
day three hundred hundred sixty.
Dress: Denim with Red Piping Vintage Inspired Dress
Purchased From: Morgantown Reuzit Shoppe
Year or Era Purchased: Summer 2010
Price: $5
Accessories: Hunter wellies, two red barrettes, new cardigan from Target ($9.98!)
Hair and Makeup: Two low buns, bangs parted, usual makeup
Hair and Makeup: Two low buns, bangs parted, usual makeup
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: A few dress compliments, my professor loved my portfolio, pictured above.
That's my new cardigan. I love it! I got the dress on Saturday and the cardigan on Sunday and the weather was beyond gorgeous on Tuesday so it sort of felt like when you're young and you get to wear your fresh back to school clothes. I know it's still Summer but it felt like Fall and ooooooh man do I love me some Fall!!! How cute is that dress?!? I scored it thrift shopping with my Mom and the tag says faded glory so you know what that means right? It's from Walmart originally! Crazy. My hair was a little gross still from the hairspray incident of Monday so I just brushed it and threw it into two buns and added red barrettes to match the piping. Because it was a tad rainy I also got to wear my favorite Wellies. I am in need of some new Fall boots since I had to throw away my favorite faux suede black ones late Spring, as the entire back was blown out and the bottoms had holes. Now my newer black sweater top boots are falling apart from the inside out and my favorite funny bird/swirl pattern boots have a huge hole/are ripped from the heel seam in the back of one of them. Blargh! Guess I need to make a trip to Payless or Bare Feet Shoes right quick!
Anyway, enough rambling about boots. I spent my morning working on final revisions of two of my stories and then headed out to work. I came home for more final revisions and then headed to school to drop it off. My professor was all about my actual portfolio- pictured above. I got it for $10 at Target. I am quite fond of it myself and added a cute embellishment to it- a name tag made from card stock, a Martha Stewart address label sticker, patterned craft scissors and a hole punch. I hope she likes the stuff inside just as much.
I came home and cleaned for awhile and then made gnocchi, pesto sauce, pesto cream sauce, red sauce, garlic bread and small salads for dinner. Michael's cousin Michele came over with her son, Cash, and we hung out with them for a bit before eating and watching a dvr'd episode of Weeds.
day three hundred hundred fifty-nine.
Dress: White with Black and Red circle Vintage Dress
Purchased From: Circle Thrift
Year or Era Purchased: Summer 2010
Price: $2.50 (color of the week half off)
Accessories: Red knee socks, black flats and then later I changed into my Hunter Wellies, one white butterfly barrette
Hair and Makeup: Down and curled and those bitches fell out quick, usual makeup
Hair and Makeup: Down and curled and those bitches fell out quick, usual makeup
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: Michael liked the dress/whole ensemble, a few other compliments I think. I can't remember.
I love this dress! Imagine my excitement when I picked it up off the rack and saw that the tag color matched that of the half-off color of the week at Circle Thrift. I was even more excited when I tried it on and it fit quite nicely. I guess I should stop buying dresses at this point but they're like my crack. I need to organize and bag a boatload of clothing. My friend Rica just told me about a giant clothing swap in the Naval Yard in October so I'm going to have to get my stuff in order for maximum swappage. This one sounds amazing with Buffalo Exchange and Urban Outfitters participating. I can't wait!
Monday was stupid humid. I curled my hair and even used hair spray but it was nasty and ratty within an hour. Good thing I took my pic for the day pretty early on! I didn't realize they were calling for rain so I wore flats but came home mid-day to change into my wellies and work on school work a bit. I spent the day working, did some work on my final project for school and then headed to class. Ugh, another day where we didn't do what she had planned. It was supposed to be a final workshop but we were only to bring an excerpt of our story and all of us would read it and then discuss. This didn't make much sense to me as reading aloud and only an excerpt does not a workshop make, but, at least it was going to be something. Wrong! She let three people read their entire piece and then we were out of time. I so didn't get any constructive criticism out of this class and I discovered in my last class that I kind of thrive on it and it's a huge freaking help. We were also told that we had no actual class Tuesday or Thursday- that we could just drop off the final portfolio on Tuesday and pick it up Thursday. So I totally got robbed of an entire week of class since she had cancelled the previous Thursday class. I am such a nerd, but seriously, that's like two weeks of a regular semester. I left school annoyed, came home and said Bye to Michael as he and some boys were watching motorcycle something or other- isle of man is that something? Yeah, let's go with that, at 700. That left me to make myself some pasta with mushroom alfredo sauce and watch dvr'd episodes of Jersey Shore and Top Chef before spending the next four hours putting my final portfolio together. I guess it was a pretty good night actually.
Posted by
12:05 PM
Labels: black, circle thrift, polka dots, red, thrift, vintage, white
day three hundred hundred fifty-eight.
Dress: Black Floral/Paisley Silky Dress
Purchased From: Mishel's Clothing Swap
Year or Era Purchased: Summer 2010
Price: $FREE
Accessories: Blue sandals, black tank top
Hair and Makeup: Two high buns, usual makeup with some turquoise eyeshadow and no eyeliner
Hair and Makeup: Two high buns, usual makeup with some turquoise eyeshadow and no eyeliner
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: Rica liked the dress, Michael said "you have some weird dresses left huh?"
I'm not totally in love with this dress since I can't wear it in its pure form. I am not the type of lady that can go braless. This dress is perfect for that type of lady. So I threw on a black tank top underneath and that sort of killed the cute factor of this dress. I tried knotting it to change the length but I wasn't thrilled with that either. Plus, the tank top kept riding up and bunching. It wasn't a pleasant experience. I wish I'd gone with something different. It didn't help that I had to hurriedly dress since I had a morning job. I probably would've changed a few times had I taken two seconds to reevaluate this mess. Oh well. I spent the morning working, went to the grocery store and then came home and made bangin' omelets and hung out with Michael.
Later I did more jobs and went to Target with Rica. I got lots of house stuff that I didn't really want to buy but needed, such as a shower curtain, (I went with solid grey) an aqua shower curtain liner, rings to hang said shower curtains, a hanging closet/shelf organizer thinger, lots of toiletries, is this list boring yet?, a portfolio for my final project, food stuffs, an awesome clearance cardigan, and an awesome clearance t-shirt. Rock. Oh, and I bought some black nail polish. Word. I came home and made leftover mashed potatoes for dinner and some bbq tofu for Michael. I had a salad to accompany my taters because one of my foodstuffs purchases was ice cream. Nom nom nom. We took a bath and then ate ice cream and watched True Blood and Entourage before retiring to bed. I should've worked on my final portfolio all day but I didn't. Oh well. Such is life.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
day three hundred hundred fifty-seven.
Dress: Gold long sleeveless dress
Purchased From: Morgantown Goodwill
Year or Era Purchased: Fall 2005
Price: $3-5
Accessories: Blue sandals
Hair and Makeup: Down and curled but as usual these days it got gross and tangly, usual makeup
Hair and Makeup: Down and curled but as usual these days it got gross and tangly, usual makeup
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: A woman asked if I had been in a wedding, to which I replied, "No, I just felt like being fancy." My Mom remembered that it was a dress I bought when we were thrift shopping/a Halloween costume, and she liked my sandals. Also when I was leaving a cat job on Saturday evening two older men told me to be careful, in a nice way. It was sort of funny. They had no idea I was just going home.
I like to think of this as my Golden Girls dress since it actually came with another long sleeveless vest type thing that you see the ladies of the Golden Girls rocking. I originally bought it and wore it for the Trojan Horse costume we built. I added some gold ribbon trim and I think cut off some sleeveage but I honestly can't remember. I've been dreading wearing this dress because it's a little odd, in a bad way, for my usual tastes. It was great for the costume but I also had a sweet hairpiece and lots of other people in costume to look dorky with. Plus I was something like twenty pounds tinier. Ugh. Oh well I have pictures.
Sorry for the walk down memory lane. It was necessary. That's why I've kept the dress all these years. The Trojan Horse halloween year was by far my favorite. Nothing will top it.
Ok, back to present day. Michael and I woke up early and got ready and headed to the burbs to spend the day with my Mom for her birthday, which was Thursday the 19th. Everything prevented us from leaving the house- a kitten, the coffee maker overflowing, etc. We got there and gave her cupcakes and presents and then headed out for some thrift store shopping and yard sales, followed by lunch at the White Horse Tavern, where we all got cheese hoagies. Yum. I was the only one who scored big in the shopping department. I got four dresses (for $16.25, three of them vintage), a vintage aqua pitcher, a vintage log planter and a cat paint by numbers set. Nice. When we left lunch we saw this:
Because my parents live near Lancaster County and people apparently drive their tractors to the tavern. Amazing.
Michael got grey thread and my Mom got a little cottage planter. We had quite a lovely day. On the way back to the city we dropped off a wheelchair at my sister-in-laws and then made a quick coffee pit stop. Once home I headed out to do a few jobs and then Michael, Steve and I watched lots of television, including some of the new Kids in the Hall Death Comes to Town episodes while Steve snuggled with Soda. She's a cutie. Seriously- adopt her!
Monday, August 23, 2010
day three hundred hundred fifty-six.
Dress: Strapless Black and Pink Polka Dot Dress
Purchased From: Ms. Molly Delaney
Year or Era Purchased: Spring 2010
Price: $Free
Accessories: Black, white and pink striped socks, black chucks,
Hair and Makeup: usual makeup with some green shadow on my eyes, hair down and brushed and curled a tiny bit with a big barrel curling iron
Hair and Makeup: usual makeup with some green shadow on my eyes, hair down and brushed and curled a tiny bit with a big barrel curling iron
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: Lots of dress compliments but since I'm a slacker and haven't updated properly I can't really remember.
Although this dress is not the most flattering in the gut area I love it. It had straps but I cut them off and made it strapless. It also has crinoline underneath the skirt so I felt fancy and funny all day. I tried to play it down with knee socks and sneakers but I'm not sure that worked. I spent the day working and then came home for some kitten snuggles. Michael came home from skating and we headed to El Camino to meet up with Kristin and her lady friend Maura and our friend Rica. We enjoyed happy hour margarita pitchers and yummy food. Tipsy and full we decided it was necessary to shove gelato on top of the alcohol and food. We forced ourselves to walk around a little bit and then tasted lots of flavors of amazing gelato. I got cream cheese and chocolate peanut butter. It was super yummy.
We came home and played with Soda Pop for a while. She's such a cutie. Rica came over to meet her and Steve loves her so he hung out too. We all watched dumb tv shows. It was a lovely, low key, kitten filled Friday night. Awesome.
Posted by
12:21 PM
Labels: black, hand me down, pink, polka dots, strapless
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