Saturday, October 31, 2009
day sixty-four.
Day Sixty-four 10/31/2009
Dress: Handmade Halloween Costume
Purchased From: Jomar, AC Moore, and a few other sources
Year or Era Purchased: Fall 2009
Price: $15-20 (Just for the dress part)
Accessories: the rest of my costume
Hair and Makeup: Green eyeshadow and black eyeliner but that doesn't have anything to do with my costume. Hair is pulled back and under a giant costume head.
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: To be determined.
I spent my whole day working on my costume. It is done. Finally. I will put it on a take a picture and post it right before I leave for my party. It will be via my phone so this entry is just the text for now. Sorry. Also I totally cheated and left the house not in a dress today because my costume is my dress. Today was the first time I've left the house sans dress. I felt really guilty but I wasn't sure what to do since I was out for seriously 20 minutes. Whatever. I think my costume will explain it all. Until then!
Posted by
8:33 PM
Labels: handmade
Friday, October 30, 2009
day sixty-three.
Day Sixty-three 10/30/2009
Dress: Pink Grandma Dress
Purchased From: Super Thrift
Year or Era Purchased: Spring 2007?
Price: $3-5
Accessories: pink on pink striped socks, black mary janes, black lace short sleeved blouse
Hair and Makeup: down and wavy with a black lace headband, black eye makeup and pink lipstick
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: I think I got 6 or 7 compliments on my socks.
I slept in until 9:30 today even though the cats were protesting the fact that they didn't have any food. Flea set up shop on my back and slept there for at least fifteen minutes. The joke was on him though because we were out of food. Oops. I finally dragged myself out of bed and drank coffee while I washed massive amounts of dishes. I wrote some yelp reviews because I'm addicted to them right now and then I got dressed in my ridiculous outfit. I mean, don't get me wrong, I loved every ounce of its ridiculousness, just know I was aware of it. The dress has actually never been worn. It was one of those weird thrift store purchases that I never quite understood and it's so not flattering. It had sleeves, long sheer pink sleeves that cuffed at the wrists, but I cut them off because they drove me a little crazy. I added the lace blouse because the top of the dress is really not so flattering. Pink on pink striped socks definitely saved this mess of a dress. I also dug into the back of my closet for my old chunky mary janes that have holes in the toes. I forgot how much i love those cheap shoes. I think they were under $10 and I wore the crap out of them back in the day. Since it was the day before Halloween I didn't get too many weird looks today but I did get a lot of unexpected compliments on my socks, some even from strangers. Awesome.
I worked for a few hours today and then went home and immediately started in on my costume. Kristin came over and brought her sewing machine and I made my dress for tomorrow. Yay! It was my first dress! It looks like a costume but it is supposed to so that's okay. It's also made of felt and fleece so it's not exactly the prettiest of most flattering fabric but it looks just right for the part. After a few hours of work we went over to Mike and Jody's for dinner (Jody made polenta, pasta with spano's sauce and sauteed peppers and mushrooms and I made vegetarian chicken parm) and a viewing of Trick 'r Treat. My god that movie is great. It is rare these days to get a good horror/halloween movie but this one was fabulous. I highly recommend it! We hung out for a bit and then I came home and charged through another two hours of costume time. It would've been quicker but we ran out of thread on the bobbin and Michael had to figure it out for me. He eventually did and I got my sleeves/armwarmers done. Yay! He also had to help me with some gluing that actually required liquid nails. Oh dear this damn costume is complicated!!! I am off to bed now with many hours of work to do tomorrow to prepare for the 10th annual bonfire Mike and Jess Halloween party. I am so very excited!
Posted by
11:11 PM
Thursday, October 29, 2009
day sixty-two.
Day Sixty-two 10/29/2009
Dress: Grey Cowl Neck Dress
Purchased From: Conway
Year or Era Purchased: Fall 2009 (yesterday actually)
Price: $11.99
Accessories: black and grey striped tights, boots
Hair and Makeup: down and wavy usual makeup
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: Spano said he liked my frilly neck, Michael liked the dress, I got a few compliments on my tights too.
I woke up early today and took Easter to the vet for her bloodwork checkup. Since I got a new dress yesterday and knew I was going out tonight I wore it and paired it with some fun stripey tights. I wore my hair down and then later put a bunch of curls in it. I also tried out some brown lipstick but I'm not sure on that one yet so I took it off. I had a coupon for free money at CVS and thought I just had to have brown lipstick for some reason. Meh.
I so wish I had taken today's opportunity to switch Easter over to my new vet since her established Penn vet isn't there anymore and we had to see a new one today. Blargh. Our appointment was at 9:30AM and we didn't get out of there until 1:05PM. No good. Easter did pee on the table during her exam to show her displeasure with the whole situation. Ha. I also got to meet a very interesting older lady there with two cats both suffering from lymphoma. She was explaining to me all about their illnesses and when the vet came out to talk to her she put her hand up to shush him, came and sat next me and finished her story. It was kind of amazing. I overheard her cat's names: George and Mr. Strawberry. Wow. I might have seen myself from the future. She was in full makeup and dress. Again, seriously amazing. She was also super bat shit crazy. That's my kind of lady!
Since the vet took about two hours longer than I anticipated I had throw food in my mouth at a furious pace and hurry out the door to work. I worked until almost 5PM and then came home to get ready for my first Yelp event. Yelp is an awesome review site in case you didn't know. I write reviews all the time, like my words are really important. It does make me feel empowered though, dorky as it may be.
Michael and I boarded the El and headed to the event, held at Prive in Olde City. It boasted complimentary apps and cocktails, both were yummy. We met up with some friends and met some new people. It was quite fun and I'm looking forward to my next Yelp event.
We came home and had veggie dogs and watched the sad, sad second game of the World Series. I also worked on my costume and now I am taking my tired ass to bed.
Posted by
11:43 PM
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
day sixty-one.
Day Sixty-one 10/27/2009
Dress: Phillies T-shirt converted into Dress
Purchased From: Ross and then I altered it
Year or Era Purchased: Spring 2008
Price: $7.99
Accessories: black tights, boots and cardigan
Hair and Makeup: down and wavy minimal makeup as I was running late
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: a cashier at Conway, Michael
We woke up early today and that sucked because I was dreaming lots and one of them was about birds flying all around me and giving me kisses. Some were solid white and others were blue and white. I took Michael to the El, came home and did dishes and made french press coffee and fed the squirrels. Steven Andrew Orsborn came to the window today, a big step for him. It was raining and his fur was all wet and crinkled, cute. I played on Yelp for a bit before sewing up what was today's dress. It was an oversized t-shirt that easily became a strapless dress, not a well constructed strapless dress mind you but hey, I'm new at this. I cut up the middle of each sleeve and then sewed them together with a crappy stitch and embroidery thread. I then pulled the two sleeves towards the back and tied them together.
I spent the rest of the day working and then finally made my triumphant return to the gym after a whole month of not going. Planet Fitness added 10 or more elliptical machines, 10 or 15 bikes and they have one of their televisions programmed for E! now. Word. I should go away more often. I also made a pit stop into Conway to retrieve an article of clothing for my friend Rica's Halloween costume which also allowed me to purchase a new dress. I might even wear it tomorrow since I have to get up early and take my cat Easter for a Upenn vet visit even though I hate them kind of a lot. She has kidney disease, high blood pressure and hyper thyroid. Youch. She's also like four pounds but will eat almost anything. She's eaten red peppers, mushrooms, spaghetti, any and all dairy products, seitan, morning star farm products, french fries, etc. etc. She does not however like chicken. Funny little lady.
After the gym I picked up Michael from the El and came home and made tacos with veggie beef and soyrizo. Yum. I had to stop myself from eating too much. We watched Game One while I worked on several aspects of my costume that included lots more paper mache with paper towel and duct tape build ups, some pattern chalking and fabric cutting and pinning. I don't know if this will ever end. I'm so close I can taste it, oh wait no that's the awful bits of fibers that flew all over when I cut one of my fabrics. I had to cover my mouth and nose while I cut but my eyes are still full of little green fibers. Blech. It was really nice to watch such an amazing baseball game while I worked. Now I must retire to bed for early vet visit rising. Go Phils.
Posted by
11:22 PM
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
day sixty.
Day Sixty 10/27/2009
Dress: Black with White Polka Dots Dress
Purchased From: Rainbow
Year or Era Purchased: Spring or Summer 2008
Price: $9.99
Accessories: greenish/blue tights, black and white striped leg warmers, blueish cardigan
Hair and Makeup: one side up in a comb, the rest down with curls that fell fast in the raindrops, usual makeup
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: none that I can remember
I woke up so early today to drive to the suburbs to go to the dentist because I never changed to a dentist in the city. Tomorrow I'll be calling to make an appointment for six months from now with a dentist in the city. It is time. It is time because it took me one hour and forty-five minutes to drive from Philadelphia to Coatesville this morning, making me half an hour later for my appointment that lasted all of fifteen minutes. At least I didn't have any cavities. Yay me. I then drove another forty-five minutes home so I could hurriedly eat and start working in the rain. Dumb day.
I had two dresses picked out to wear since I am not good at morning clothing decisions but turns out I picked this one instead. I like leg warmers a lot so I put some on and threw on some flats for a danceresque look. My feet got wet later in the day but late enough that I didn't care that much. This dress is super flowy and easy to wear so I was quite comfortable today I must say. I changed out of my wet tights and threw on jeans when I got home but I was too lazy to photograph that look, sorry.
For dinner I made twice baked potatoes, pan seared tofu with a spice rub and leftover Italian Spanakopita. It was good. I ate a little too much. I spent the rest of the night doing more paper mache and unsuccessfully dyeing fabric. Blargh. Guess I'll be making another trip or two to get some other dye solution. Or I might spray paint, we'll see. I am exhausted from my early suburban jaunt and will now retire to bed at a reasonable time with hopes of working on my costume for several hours tomorrow morning since I am running out of time. Ugh.
Posted by
11:11 PM
Labels: black, polka dots, rainbow
Monday, October 26, 2009
day fifty-nine.
Day Fifty-nine 10/26/2009
Dress: Green Baby Doll Dress
Purchased From: Ross
Year or Era Purchased: Summer 2009
Price: $14.99
Accessories: green headband, crazy boots, cream knee socks,
Hair and Makeup: two buns, usual makeup
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: Four people (two strangers and two people I know) complimented my boots. I also discovered a hole in them :(
Today was really busy and jam packed so i just grabbed the first dress I saw and since my eye has been gazing longingly at green more than ever lately it went right to this dress. You might recognize it from day nineteen and that's because it is the same exact dress, just in green. I got this one first actually and tried to go get it in black but they were all out so I settled for brown.
The day started with me rushing around to get to my second brazilian wax appointment. I made it to the el right when the train pulled up, walked through the turnstile and onto the train. Perfect. I made it Body Restorations at the exact minute of my appointment. Go me! I was so proud of myself, sad I know. The Brazilian wasn't even half as bad as the first time, awesome. After the appointment I ran to MAC for foundation and window shopped at H&M, almost bought a $6 hat but walked out. I met up with MIchael and Wes for lunch at Mi Lah, an awesome vegetarian and mostly if not all vegan place in center city. I had a portobello sandwich, Michael had pad thai and Wes had this amazingly tasty beer battered seitan sandwich. I have only ever eaten there for dinner and their lunch is far superior.
After lunch I boarded the El and went to my parked car (walking to the el would've made me late, it wasn't a laziness factor) only to find I got my first parking ticket in something like three or four years. Ugh. I've been so diligent but in my haste to be on time I completely forgot I parked on a 2 hour parking street. Blargh. My perfect record is tarnished and I must start over. Boohiss.
I worked and then even though I was supposed to return to the gym today I did not. I have to get my butt back there and get back into it. The lactic acid buildup in my thighs from playing paintball is torture right now and my bruises have all developed into gross and giant marks. Hopefully this awful pain subsides and I can get back there asap. I am starting to feel gross and mushy again. Instead of going to the gym I decided to try to recreate this mushroom soup that the Memphis Taproom served last week. I found a pretty close sounding recipe on and went to Superfresh for the fixins. I always forget how much I hate Superfresh and their stupid expensiveness. Lesson relearned. I came home and got cracking on the soup and it came out tasting like pure awesomeness! Here's the link, I will be making this again and again and again but maybe doubling the mushrooms to make it thicker and heartier. Mmmm soup! I also made my version of La Zucca Magica's Italian inspired Spanakopita, using a pie crusts spread with a puree of spinach, mozzarella and sharp cheddar, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper and then covered with another pie crust. So good!
After I stuffed my face furiously with the soup I got down to business and watched four episodes of Criminal Minds while working on my costume. Paper mache, sewing, dying and painting oh my! I am super exhausted and hurty and must attempt to sleep off this pain now.
Posted by
11:49 PM
Sunday, October 25, 2009
day fifty-eight.
Day Fifty-eight 10/25/2009
Dress: Black Cotton V-neck Dress
Purchased From: Conway
Year or Era Purchased: Summer 2009
Price: $7.99
Accessories: Jeans for some of the day, White and blue knee socks for the rest of it, boots for some of the day, balck flats for the rest, grey v-neck long sleeve shirt, jean jacket
Hair and Makeup: braids and curls, black eye makeup
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: Michael, and lots of people at paintball commented on me wearing a dress, some knew of the blog and some didn't. They all do now. Word.
Today's dress is pretty self explanatory- it's a cheap, crap cotton black dress that I wore because I didn't care that much about it. I paired it with lots of other layers because it hurts less to get hit with a paintball if you are layered.
Today was one of those days that was so busy and full and that it felt like two different days. We woke up later than I wanted and rushed around to get out of the house to meet up with a bunch of people for Kristin and Becky's Birthday Paintball War. As usual Michael and I were late and stupid. We finally arrived and got on with the paintball shenanigans. Man do I suck at paintball. Not that I thought I would be good but if you watch too many action movies in your lifetime you start to convince yourself it's possible for stuff like that to come naturally. It so doesn't for me. We played something like six or seven games, or maybe even more, I may be blocking it out. The first two made me pretty miserable since I only shot my gun one, hit almost immediately in both games. Blargh. I'm not going to lie, I got sad about it and I also got yelled at for cursing. Ha. Finally on game three I was able to shoot the gun and it began to get fun. I got hit in the boob, stomach, elbow (twice), thumb, calf, thigh and mask. So far my calf welt is proving to the most gigantic and ugly and painful bruise, thank you Kristin. I don't know that I'd ever do it again but I do like saying that I did it, makes me feel kind of tough even if I did it in a dress. Our referee told us we were the most interesting and fun group he ever had so we got that going for us, which is nice.
After paintball we got ourselves cleaned up and met up at the Memphis Taproom for some birthday dinner and then headed to The Music Fountain Cafe for ice cream. Michael and I came home and worked on our costumes for hours. I watched Ted Bundy the movie, not so good, and then we watched Dexter, some baseball and Venture Brothers. So yeah, I worked on my costume for about five hours tonight. Ugh. I made a lot of headway in mine though as the bottom half is done. The middle and the top portions will take sooo much longer. My fingers hurt from sewing, my back hurts from sitting in a stupid position and my whole body hurts from playing paintball in my old lady body. Ouch. Time for some ibuprofen and bed. Sorry this entry is lacking, I hope all of the pictures make up for it!
Posted by
11:33 PM
Saturday, October 24, 2009
day fifty-seven.
Day Fifty-seven 10/24/2009
Dress: Black Tank Dress
Purchased From: Forever 21
Year or Era Purchased: Summer 2009
Price: $10.50
Accessories: Jeans for some of the day, White with black piping short sleeved Vintage cardigan
Hair and Makeup: Bun, minimal makeup
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: Michael
I knew I'd be sitting on the floor a lot today doing costume stuff so I wanted something comfortable and easy to move in, and voila a black tank dress was dug out from the pile of clothing at the end of our bed, my next project once Halloween is over. I wore it with jeans for most of the day, until it got too hot. The dress is super easy to wear and comfortable. It's from Forever 21 and I am kicking myself for not buying it in other colors.
I forgot to set the alarm for later today and Ipacac decided he wanted to sleep on my head so I woke up at 8:30 on a Saturday. Weird. I got a lot done today so it turned out to be nice but now I'm exhausted before midnight on a Saturday night. Old.
I made us omelets for breakfast and then spent the rest of the day cleaning, decorating a little bit for Halloween and shopping for my costume components. After long trips to Target and AC Moore I think I am good to go. Besides costume stuff I also purchased a new winter coat at Target, a big girl coat that isn't for dogwalking! Ok, maybe a few times it will be. It's kelly green and has toggles and I love it. The Anna Sui dress that I've been coveting was 30% off but that meant it was still $41,still too much, especially when a winter coat is calling my name.
I made a dinner of seitan, sour cream mashed potatoes, corn with garlic lime butter and brussels sprouts. After filling my belly I got down to business: a horror movie and the beginning construction of my Halloween costume. I put a big dent into the project just by getting started and now I'm totally excited about it. I do predict many hours of bad horror movies (today's was The Haunting of Molly Hartley- very bad!) and costume construction in the next few days. I am documenting it all with pictures so I can blog in detail. Putting up a few decorations really got me into the Halloween spirit that I was greatly lacking. I am so tired now and tomorrow is a full day of paintball war for Kristin and Becky's birthdays and then a solid few hours of costume construction. I can't wait!
Posted by
11:54 PM
Labels: black, forever 21
Friday, October 23, 2009
day fifty-six.
Day Fifty-six 10/23/2009
Dress: Striped Shirt Dress
Purchased From: Circle Thrift
Year or Era Purchased: Fall 2009
Price: $5
Accessories: Cream Thigh Highs made from cut off tights, pink knit hat
Hair and Makeup: Two braids under a hat, blue and purple eyeshadow and black eyeliner
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: Michael, Kristin (said I looked like a fruity candy cane), Kelly
I woke up with a smile today, not for any particular reason, which might be the best kind of smile. The day proved average, the weather was chilly and eventually the rain trickled but it was still worthy of a waking smile. Jody and Kristin came over for some Project Runway and then Michael and I had lunch before I started working. After work we headed to Johnny Brenda's for happy hour and friend time and stayed for hours. We grabbed some Ekta takeout on the way home, my first Ekta over Tiffin experience. Too spicy and the yogurt sauce was sour. Sorry Ekta, you lose. I wish I had just made dinner instead. I went into an Indian food coma and hung out on the couch for many hours. Boring Friday night.
Today's dress was one of the five Circle Thrift Fall 2009 purchases. It's from H&M and I believe falls into the category of thanks to the girl my size who donates to Circle Thrift! It buttons all the way open so I will most likely wear this over jeans and tank top in the future. This week has totally confused me weather wise and I probably should've worn tights instead of or in addition to thigh highs so I was a little cold for some of it. Since I cut them off from tights they don't have any stay up power and would be considered "quitters", a word I learned from my friend Chad that refers to socks that don't stay up on their own anymore. My solution to these particular quitters is to use a rubberband to hold them up, covered with the excess sock fabric. After a few hours they hurt though so be sure to get big enough bands!
Oh and I messed up last night. I meant Riot Punch!
Posted by
11:59 PM
Labels: circle thrift, handm, stripes, thrift
Thursday, October 22, 2009
day fifty-five.
Day Fifty-five 10/22/2009
Dress: White Hearta Dot Vintage Dress, yup, they're not polka dots, they're hearta dots
Purchased From: Crap, I think it was either Circle Thrift or Plaid Pony Vintage.
Year or Era Purchased: 2008
Price: $5 or $20?
Accessories: Red and White Polka Dot Belt, Black Slip, Black Flats
Hair and Makeup: Down and curly, then a pony tail, teal eyeshadow and black eyeliner
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: A bunch of my friends complimented the dress
Today was a good day, not great and not bad, just good. I didn't sleep enough since we were up to watch the game and somehow I didn't go to sleep until almost 2AM so I was a bit tired but oddly full of some sort of nervous energy right off the bat. Michael's bike was in the shop so I drove him to the El and then came home and walked my stay over dog buddy Wally. He's really fun and lovey but has decided he likes Michael better, as most animals in my life that I care for eventually do. Since they don't speak English very well, we've been doing flashcards but their tiny brains just aren't comprehending, they don't understand when I explain to them how I fill their food and water bowls, ensure they are parasite free, scoop their poops, etc. etc. Whatever. Case in point, Wally is sleeping on Michael right now even though I was the one who fed him his two meals walked him numerous times, played with him and gave him treats and fresh water today. Again, whatever.
I worked a good bit today and then went to Memphis Taproom for Ms. Kristin G's birthday. I got her some letters that spell out BOOSH. She liked them. I got her something else too but she has to wait to get it.
I wanted to wear something vintage in honor of KG's bday since she likes cool old stuff. Today's dress is more 80's vintage though I think. I really can't remember if I got it at a Plaid Pony sale or from Circle Thrift. Sorry! I decided to pair it with a big belt so it looked less 80's. I'm not sure if I accomplished that or not. I do know that that damn belt made me feel like a giant person all day and I am so going back on my diet and exercise regimen asap! But that didn't happen tonight since we were out to eat. Michael and I split a well done veggie burger and a Smoked Coconut and Tofu Club Sandwich, both very tasty. Smoked coconut sort of tastes like fake bacon in case you were wondering. I had two glasses of wine instead of beer because this whole learning how to drink beer thing might be good for my palette but it is awful on my waistline.
We came home and watched the new It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and some of the Yankees/Angels game to prepare for the coming weeks of games. I find it pompous that the Yankees don't wear their names on their jerseys. I know that's a random thought but it's my blog so I'll random it up all I want. This weekend I will begin to kick ass on my Halloween costume because boy did I wait until the last minute on this one! I'm still keeping it quiet and only telling select people in case I fail miserably and have to wear one of my animal masks and just go as a bank robber in an animal mask.
Until tomorrow, Riot Juice!
Posted by
11:37 PM
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
day fifty-four.
Day Fifty-four 10/21/2009
Dress: Rainbow Striped Sundress
Purchased From: H&M
Year or Era Purchased: Summer 2008
Price: $12
Accessories: Black tights and cardigan,black boots
Hair and Makeup: Low bun with bangs, almost no makeup
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: Michael was a big fan of the dress
First off, woot, yay Phillies. Please don't flip any of my friend's cars this year. It was like 75 degrees today. Seriously, last week I was wearing my winter coat and today I'm struggling to figure out which lightweight dress I can wear. I am in Fall fashion mode now so it was pretty hard and I changed like five times before settling on today's dress. I don't really love it so much but it is super comfortable and pairing it with lots of black made me accept it as the dress of day fifty-four. I was sort of in a hurry to start work today so I pulled my wet from the shower hair back into a bun, threw on a little bit of makeup and headed out to work. I worked a bunch, grocery shopped and then picked up this little dog dude Wally to stay with me for a few days. He's a six month old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. So far he loves the cats but it is certainly unrequited. I didn't like any of today's pictures as a whole but I also didn't care enough to keep taking any. I blame it on my eyeliner addiction and apparent inability to smile in pictures anymore. I'll have to brush up on my America's Next Top Model.
I made a pit stop today at the bakery that opened on my street, literally like 1/2 a block from my house. This terrified me at first to have access to sweets so close but after today's visit I don't think I'll be a regular customer. It's more of a home base for the actual baking of custom orders with only cupcakes sold to the public. Not that I don't like cupcakes, I was just hoping for a better selection. Today was opening day so I guess I should cut them some slack but when I asked if there would be more selection the owner told me, "maybe cookies." I would definitely use them if I ever needed a badass cake or cookie set but as my local bakery, nay. I bought six cupcakes today, three to give as a good-bye gift and three for home. I still haven't eaten any of them so I can't give my full report just yet, an update should be in tomorrow's blog after I snarf one down. I'm now looking forward to Sunday's opening of Bella Sera Cafe and their vegan menu. Mmmmm.
I got home from work in time to pick up Michael from the train and then we walked his bike over to Volpe Cycles so he can get his tire blow out fixed and get parts for future blow outs and some other bike stuff I didn't understand exactly. I then made a scrumptious dinner of Field Roast "Meatloaf", leftover mac n' cheese that I modified into smoked mozzarella mac n' cheese by making a sauce and re-baking it, sauteed rainbow swiss chard, biscuits, and roasted asparagus. It was so yummy and badass but I forgot to leave room for my cupcake. There's always tomorrow. We watched the game while we ate and then Michael totally fell asleep and I watched it alone, well I had Wally with me and he has a Phillies collar so not totally alone. I am exhausted now and must retire to sleep. Tomorrow is my friend Kristin's birthday so I will have to pick out a super fun dress since we'll be have dinner and drinks to celebrate her birth. Boosh! Phillies! Goodnight!
Posted by
11:59 PM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
day fifty-three.
Day Fifty-three 10/20/2009
Dress: Green and White Sundress
Purchased From: Circle Thrift
Year or Era Purchased: Fall 2009
Price: $5
Accessories: Black tights and cardigan, green shoes
Hair and Makeup: Down and wavy, usual makeup
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: 1 shoe compliment, 1 dress compliment, and one "Are you pregnant?" and the answer is, no, not at all thanks for calling me fat.
Today just felt off for me. Most of it was fine but it was just one of those days I guess. I was running late for everything because I kept running into clients and other random people I know and everyone was very chatty and I too am quite the little yapper. I also started the work day by leaving my phone at home, which required me to waste time retrieving it. Ugh. The highlight of my day was meeting of with Michael and Wes to eat our packed lunches overlooking the fountain at Love Park. We all packed lunches and we all managed to pack some variation of fake turkey sandwiches. After enjoying the lovely weather I started working and worked and worked and worked. For some reason I had a lot more jobs than usual today, 8 dog jobs and one cat. That used to be a normal schedule for me but now it means I'm busy, damn economy.
I finally got home and hung out with Michael for a bit before he left for his Tuesday night skateboarding boy time. I spent my night cleaning and watching Law & Order, not too shabby. I have much more cleaning to do to get this house in shape but it will have to wait since I need to get cracking on my costume. My second photo features some of the fabric I bought yesterday. Flea was all about it. I forgot how much he loves fake fur. I said I would make him a bed from my old squirrel costume fur but I never did. I think this year I'm going to have to come through for him, it's just too cute.
Today's dress is what I like to refer to as a Sookie Stackhouse dress because it's a similar style to a lot of the wardrobe choices on True Blood, which makes me like it even more. Since it is still Fall and not actually suitable weather for a sundress I paired it with tights and a cardigan. I own green shoes so I couldn't resist pairing them with the dress. Even though someone asked if I was pregnant (I'm chalking it up to just eating lunch, bad posture, a babydoll style stress and ok fifteen extra pounds on my frame than the last time I saw the accusing party, whatevs) I would still wear the dress again instead of burning it. It is definitely a bit crazy in the boob department so a cardigan is imperative unless I lose five pounds, I have at least forty-seven days until I can wear it again anyway.
Posted by
11:11 PM
Labels: circle thrift, green, sundress, thrift
Monday, October 19, 2009
Day Fifty-two.
Day Fifty-two 10/19/2009
Dress: Black Sweater Dress
Purchased From: Circle Thrift
Year or Era Purchased: Winter 2008
Price: $5
Accessories: "I'm in the Doghouse" earrings, grey tights, black boots, cream colored knit hat.
Hair and Makeup: side pigtails and a hat, no makeup for day, black eyes at night
Comments/Compliments/Complaints: n/a
When I got dressed this morning I knew I was going to a show tonight and normally that wouldn't be an issue, I'd just change later if I didn't like my outfit but today I had to commit so I changed a few times until I settled upon the sweater dress since I find it both comfortable and stylish. The dress was thrifted and it's a pretty recent H&M piece that I'm pretty sure falls into the category of "thank you person who donates her wardrobe to Circle Thrift after one season and happens to be my size and have similar taste." It was a beautiful day today and finally felt like Fall, which happens to be my favorite season so I was pretty excited. I paired my dress with lighter tights for a contrast and my favorite winter hat since it was still a little nippy. I also wore my favorite velvet coat that I like to refer to as my pirate coat since it had lining other side of it, that is until most of them fell off. I still have all of them but have not found the correct motivation/free time period to sew them back on. I worked today and everything went swimmingly since dogs also really dig this time year. After work I ran to Jomar to buy fabric for my Halloween costume and then to Target for some cupboard containers to continue in my GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE YOU GROSS MOTH LARVAE project. I will definitely need to go to Ikea to supplement this project but it will be done. I also picked up some Pantry Pest traps from Essene to continue the eradication. Part of me hates using them, not because I feel bad for the gross little beasts but because I have to see them stuck to the sides. Gross.
After schlepping all the bags inside I got ready to go out. I put on some makeup and my "I'm in the dog house" earrings that are from an amazing store in Montreal called Bang On. They have awesome kitschy accessories and a gazillion iron ons and blank shirts/hoodies/dresses/etc. that you can choose to iron them onto. Some of my favorite clothing is from there. Sadly the shirtdress I got from there is less of a dress and more of a shirt on me so it probably won't make it onto this blog. Michael and I went to The Troc to see The Gaslight Anthem and they were really wonderful live. I first heard them on Sirius a few years ago and because satellite radio actually lists the artist and song I automatically knew the name of my new band obsession. I pulled up to my destination when the song was still playing and refused to exit the car until the song ended. It's rare these days that new bands evoke that feeling in me. Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of the new music out there and thanks to Sirius I'm no longer in a rut and actually hear new bands and like a lot of them but this one just felt awesome. I had no clue they were so big and we tried to go see them last year but it was sold out, which I found out when I tried to pay to go in and the door girl looked at me like I was crazy. Whatevs.
After the show we came home to watch the best ninth inning ever. Woot. Now I'm going to bed with some serious exhaustion and hurty in the back syndrome because I am old and going to shows hurts my old lady body anymore. So sad.
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12:57 AM
Labels: black, circle thrift, sweater, thrift
Sunday, October 18, 2009
day fifty-one.

Today was another one of those stay in my pajamas for extended periods of time days. We slept in until a little after nine today and then got up and did lots of back to back computery stuff, boring and tedious, but now I have a Flickr set of this whole shindig. I also realized that my moth infestation is unfortunately also in my dry goods and snacks cupboard. Boo hiss. So I spent a large chunk of may day cleaning out my cupboard and throwing a lot of stuff away. Ick and Blech. It was cold again and we're out of wood so we broke down and turned on the heat, hopefully just to turn it off again after it warms up on Tuesday and we get more wood.
The last five hours of today absolutely saved this weekend from being the weekend of suck. We went to see Where the Wild Things Are and it was beautiful, came home to watch an absolutely amazing Phillies game followed by the season premiere of Venture Brothers. I think all of that has given me the motivation I've been seeking to get my butt in gear and start taking care of business. First step, get cracking on my Halloween costume! I think a trip to the craft store is in my near future.
I chose today's dress because it has long sleeves and is some sort of weird synthetic fabric so it kept warm for the hours before we broke down and turned on the heat. It's sort of ridiculous and ill fitting since it is absolutely the handiwork of some strange person. You can see where the previous owner sewed this together to transform it from a coat to a dress. The belt definitely helps since it cinches it and makes it less bulky. I've only ever worn this dress one other time and I can't say I'll wear it more than one more. Part of me wants to rip out the seams and make it back into a coat. We'll see. Since it was cold I paired today's outfit with more Winter accessories, cream colored thick tights from the amazing tights/sock section of Target, legwarmers hand knitted by my friend Kristin for my Christmas present last year and an amazing red plaid hat with ear flaps worn backwards/sideways. I hope you enjoy the crazy person stylings that were today.
Posted by
11:45 PM
Labels: blue, circle thrift, thrift
Saturday, October 17, 2009
day fifty.
Posted by
10:34 PM